4th International Walser Golf Tournament

We were able to host this international tournament for the second time since 2019. Walser communities in Switzerland and abroad as well as golf clubs from Walser communities were invited. Half of the participants traveled from Macugnaga in Italy (south side of Monte Rosa), Montafon and Davos.

After the tournament, the Jodelchörli Silvretta opened the evening program. Representatives of the Walser associations and the 800th anniversary celebrations at the monastery delivered words of greeting. This was followed by the award ceremony and a delicious dinner in the Golferstübli.

The event will take place in Italy in 2023, as our Italian friends have spontaneously agreed.

Net ranking:

Ladies General Class: 1. Gerda Sergi (Klosters) 37 points, 2. Francy Rüedi (Klosters) 33, 3rd Laura Bialetti 30 (Alpine die Stresa Golf) 

Men’s General Class: 1. Jena-Claude Huber (Klosters) 38, 2. Christian Hew (Klosters) 34, 3rd Giuseppe Corsi 32 (Golf Z’Makana)

Ladies seniors 65+: 1st Luzia Luzi (Klosters) 35, 2nd Maria Matilde Cossu 17 (Castelconturbia Golf)

Men Seniors 65+: Martin Accola (Klosters) 33, 2. Franco Piantanida (Golf Z’Makana) 32, 3rd Ferdinand Ganahl (Montafon) 32

Longest Drive: Corinne Gut Klucker (Klosters) / Marc Millar (Varese Golf Club)

Nearest to the Pin: Corinne Gut Klucker (Klosters) / Giuseppe Corsi (Golf Z’Makana)

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